Contest Results

On Saturday, May 9, 2020, the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District celebrated its second anniversary, joining with others in the Bay Area’s queer, leather and kink communities for an online celebration called BALL Gag.  The event featured live and silent auctions of dozens of leather-themed items, emceed by Lenny Broberg, plus performances from Midori, Justin Hall, Danny Nyugen, Sadie Payne, Star D. Love, Shay Tiziano, and Eye Zen Presents.

All the funds raised — over $5,500 — went to the Bay Area Leather Lifeline (BALL), a fund to help kinksters and leather folks in the SF Bay Area who need immediate assistance due to sudden income loss during the COVID-19 crisis.  BALL is part of the SF Bay Area Leather Alliance, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

To make a donation directly to BALL or to request assistance, visit

The BALL Gag event also included three exciting contests,  for Best Beverage, Best Outfit, & Best Pastry, sponsored by the Leather & LGBTQ Cultural District in celebration of its 2nd anniversary!

Contest 1:
Prepare a special beverage for yourself.  It can be hard or soft, hot or cold, served in a crystal goblet or a dog dish.  Make a short video showing you presenting the beverage, describing it, and sampling it.  

Contest 2:
Dress up for the event. Your outfit can be an amusing costume or just sexy gear.  Make a short video of you describing and modeling it.

Contest 3:
Prepare a birthday cake, cupcake or any other pastry or dessert.  Make a short video of you presenting your pastry, describing it, and sampling it.

Contest Results:

The coveted “LCD Award for Best Beverage” went to Patty,  IMsL 2014 and the beverage “Cherry Wood Smoked Chocolate Martini”.

Cherry wood smoked chocolate martini recipe:
        • In a shaker with some ice mix equal parts white creme de cacao and vanilla vodka.
        • On a surface that can handle fire (such as a marble slab), gather a small pile of cherry wood chips.
        • Using a kitchen torch or another butane source (such as a cigar lighter), set the cherry wood chips on fire then extinguish the flames by placing an overturned martini glass over them capturing the smoke.- 
        • Once filled with the smoke, flip the glass over and quickly pour the cocktail in the glass.
        • Ideally you place some flat over the top of the glass (like a plate) and trap the remaining smoke in with the liquid to better infuse the drink (I did not do this step in the video for the sake of time).
        • When it looks like the smoke has been absorbed into the drink, garnish with the chocolate of your choice and enjoy!

The winner of the coveted “LCD Award for Best Outfit” was Purple Anon and her Diamond Rope Harness.

The much-lusted after “LCD Award for Best Pastry ” went to Bob Goldfarb for his concoction, the De-floured Chocolate Cake.

Defloured Chocolate Cake
(Modified from David Lebovitz, Ready for Dessert)
Makes one 9-inch (23-cm) cake; 10 to 12 servings

        • Cocoa powder, for preparing the pan
        • 10 ounces (280 g) 70% chocolate (e.g. Valrhona Guanaja), chopped
        • 3/4 cup (6 ounces/173 g) salted butter (e.g. Lurpak or Plugra), cut into pieces
        • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract (e.g. Nielsen-Massey Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla)
        • 6 large eggs, separated, at room temperature
        • 1/2 cup (100 g) plus 2 tablespoons (30 g) granulated sugar
        • 2 tablespoons (20 g) cocoa nibs (optional)
        • confectioners’ sugar, for dusting the cake (optional)
        • Mini Handcuffs, 2”x3” Leather Pride flag, Mini Leather jacket, Mini aluminum butt plug, and slivers of a LGBTQ Pride flag sticker for decoration!
    1. Preheat the oven to 350° F (175° C).  Butter the bottom and sides of a 9-inch (23-cm) spring-form pan, dust it with a bit of cocoa powder, and tap out any excess.
    2. Place the chocolate, butter and espresso in a large heatproof bowl.  Set over a small saucepan of simmering water and using a spatula, stir until the chocolate and butter has melted and the mixture is smooth.  Remove the bowl from the heat and stir in the vanilla; set aside.
    3. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, whisk the egg yolks and the 1/2 cup (100 g) granulated sugar on medium-high speed until the mixture is light and creamy, about 1 minute.
    4. Place the egg whites in a clean, dry bowl and using a hand-held electric mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the egg whites on low speed until they begin to hold their shape.  Add the remaining 2 tablespoons (30 g) granulated sugar and whisk on high speed until the whites hold soft peaks.
    5. Fold the beaten egg yolks into the melted chocolate mixture, then fold in half of the whipped egg whites.  Fold in the remaining whites, folding just until there are no visible streaks of egg whites. Don’t overfold.
    6. Pour the batter into the prepared spring-form pan, sprinkle with cocoa nibs (if using), and bake until the cake feels as though it’s just barely set in the center, about 25 – 30 minutes. (It shouldn’t feel too firm.)  Remove from the oven and place on a wire rack to cool completely.
    7. Run a knife around the sides of the cake to help loosen it from the pan. Release the sides of the pan and dust the cake with confectioners’ sugar (if using).
    8. Slide the cake onto a cake plate.
    9. Place decorative items on top, serve.

Congratulations to you, and thanks to all the contestants who mixed, dressed or baked, and to everyone who watched, voted, and donated during BALL Gag.  And Happy Birthday to the LCD!

Join the District now – Become a Member – New Dues Waiver

At our Diversity / Membership Committee meeeting on 4/2/2020, it was agreed that, during the current COVID-19 crisis, anyone whose income or living situation has been impacted by it is eligible to receive the low-income dues waiver, regardless of other circumstances.  Your free membership is good through December, 2020.

That makes this an excellent time for you to head to our Membership Signup Page.  Members get to vote on Directors at the annual elections in August, and vote on critical matters presented at Special Membership Meetings.  Of course, anyone is welcome to attend and speak at our monthly Directors meetings and Committee meetings.  (Meeting dates and time, and online meeting log-in information can be found on our Calendar.)

If you can afford to pay the full annual membership dues of $15 per year, we hope you will do so, to help cover our administrative costs and to show your support for the Cultural District’s work.  But the important thing is for you to be a member, to add your voice to ours when we discuss community needs and priorities with project developers and city leaders.  

So join today.  And if you do happen to be stuck at home with nothing to do, feel free to explore this Web site — there’s lots of interesting stuff here!

District Launch Party Postponed

Launch Party

Originally planned to coincide with the second anniversary of the Cultural District on May 9, 2020, the big event at Folsom Street Foundry has been postponed, for the obvious reason.

However, once the current crisis is over, we plan to properly celebrate the world’s first ever official LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District!

The event will be free, and we’ll be offering appetizers from local restaurants. There will be a cash bar, but soda will be free.

Other attractions:

  • A Makers Market for local artists and vendors
  • Demos
  • Bootblack
  • Spankings!
  • Performances
  • Leather Fashion Show
  • Live band / DJ / Dance
  • Introduction to the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District

ASL interpretation will be provided if requested 10 days in advance.

This will be both a party and a showcase for the artists, artisans, performers and businesses of the District.  Local artists and vendors interesting in have a free table to display and sell their creations should contact now!

Want to get involved in planning? Join our Arts and Culture Committee!

Are you, or do you know someone who:

    • owns or manages a business of any kind in the Cultural District,
    • creates art, gear, or craft of any kind in and around this neighborhood,
    • operates or manages a restaurant or food service here,
    • performs regularly or occasionally in the District,
    • creates and/or sells artwork that relates to Leather and Queer culture,
    • has historical artifacts of the early days of SoMa to display or sell,
    • would like to assist us in planning, organizing or publicizing,
    • or otherwise has something to contribute to this event?

If so, please write to Thanks!

We will let you know — here and on the Facebook event page — just as soon as we know the revised date.  You won’t want to miss it!