The city of San Francisco has big plans for Folsom Street, and the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District is working to make sure that these changes genuinely benefit the folks who live and work and play in the area, and recognize the role of the Leather and Queer community in shaping this neighborhood.
Advocating for recognition and inclusion is a long and painstaking process, and our Board President, Bob Goldfarb, has been working with multiple agencies, departments, and individuals. At this time we anticipate that the future Folsom Street will include these elements:
Bronze plaques marking the past locations of various important businesses, such as Fe-be’s at 11th and Folsom, and the Folsom Street Barracks at the corner of Hallam.
Installing plaques in the sidewalk requires a whole string of city approvals, including tests to make sure folks won’t slip on them. We are working to get all those approvals in time to have the plaques installed as part of the Folsom Street project. The Cultural District will work on plaques in other locations in the future. Eventually, the plaques will form a kind of leather trail, guiding folks through the history of our neighborhood, in conjunction with a smartphone-based walking tour. |
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Decorative crosswalks across the alleys at Folsom from 7th to 11th, colored black, blue and red. |
Signs on street light and traffic light poles identifying the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District by name.
(Example mock-up shown.) |
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Leather pride flags painted on all the new street light and traffic light poles being erected on Folsom Street, from 8th to 11th Streets.
(Example mock-up shown.) UPDATE: Both the Leather Pride Flags and the Cultural District Banners are now in place on the light poles. Learn more about the Pole Banners and the Leather Pride Flag pole wraps. |
The city’s plan for upgrading Folsom Street (and later Howard Street), is extensive and dramatic. According to the SFMTA Web Site, the Folsom Streetscape Project will include: “the removal of one to two eastbound travel lanes and the addition of traffic and bike signals, protected corners at intersections, corner bulb-outs, raised crosswalks, mid-block crosswalks and crosswalks at alleyways and minor streets, a two-way separated bikeway, a transit-only lane, transit boarding islands, and improved curb management.” These changes are intended to make biking and walking in SoMa more comfortable and enjoyable, improve transit services, and improve safety for all.
Also in the works: “tree-lined medians and Civic Amenity Zones”, better lighting on the sidewalks, bike racks and street furniture, and perhaps even a “Gateway” element to welcome folks to our naughty little neighborhood.
San Francisco Public Works (SFPW) and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) held a Virtual Open House for the Folsom Streetscape Project on January 28, 2021. The presentation slides from that event are very informative.
A 2022 SFMTA timeline for the Folsom Streetscape Project, called for detailed designs to be completed that year (2022), with contracts issued in 2023 and construction starting in 2024 and ending in 2026.
Latest estimates are for construction to begin in May or June 2024. For more info, explore the SFMTA Website for the project, watch the project video, read a recent blog post, or contact them at
However long it takes, the Cultural District will continue working to make sure our history and culture is respected and reflected.