Park Naming Round 1

Name the New Park After Rachele Sullivan

  • A new park is being built at 11th and Natoma Streets, half a block from the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District.
  • The Rec and Parks Department is soliciting community input into naming the park.
  • We proposed the park be named after Rachele Sullivan, one of the founders of our Cultural District and a prominent figure in SOMA’s Filipino community.
  • Other LEATHER & LGBTQ-related proposals are naming the park after:
    • Heklina, a founder of Oasis, and
    • Jim Meko, a community activist (nominated by LCD Board Member Emeritus and District Historian Gayle Rubin).
  • A community meeting was held on March 7, and the survey results were reviewed and discussed.  A run-off survey will be conducted soon.
  • Please watch this page for information about that survey.
  • Once the new survey goes live, we encourage you to vote for Rachele Sullivan, a woman who proudly embodied the intersection of the queer, leather, Filipino, Indigenous, and disabled communities.
  • We will need you to take this survey even if you took the earlier one.
  • Thanks!