Name That Park!

Name the New Park After Rachele Sullivan

Deadline to vote:  May 1, 2024


  • A new park is being built at 11th and Natoma Streets, half a block from the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District.
  • The San Francisco Recreation and Park Department solicited community input into naming the park, and we proposed that the park be named after Rachele Sullivan, one of the founders of our Cultural District and a prominent figure in SOMA’s Filipino community.
  • Other names were proposed, and a preliminary survey narrowed the options down to six.
  • A run-off survey is now in process.  Please vote in this survey. 
  • We encourage you to vote for Rachele Sullivan, a woman who proudly embodied the intersection of the queer, leather, Filipino, Indigenous, and disabled communities.
  • We need you to take this survey even if you took the earlier one.
  • Thanks!