LeatherWalk 2021 is This Sunday

LeatherWalk returns on Sunday, September 19, as the traditional launch to San Francisco’s Leather Week.

Proudly produced by the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District, our queer and kinky communities will gather at 11 am on the Polk Street steps of City Hall, and parade through SOMA, visiting favorite neighborhood spots and watering holes, pausing for a moment of memory on Ringold Alley, and arriving at Eagle Plaza around 3 pm for a joyous Leather Pride Fest presented by the SF Eagle, to include a beer/soda bust benefitting Tenderloin Tessie, and the raising of our community’s grand new Leather Pride Flag. 

Volunteers are needed to help make LeatherWalk 2021 go smoothly.  For information, click here.

LeatherWalk has always been a major community fundraiser; this year it will benefit the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District, working to keep SOMA queer and kinky.  But LeatherWalk is 100% free,  and all are welcome! 

LeatherWalk 2021 Campaign

Complete LeatherWalk 2021 Info

Ad Hoc “Gateway” Committee Formed

The next meeting of the  Ad Hoc Gateway Committee, being chaired by the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District Vice-President, Bob Brown, will be scheduled soon.

The Cultural District has contracted with the respected Landscape Architect firm of Bionic to design something that could be erected on Folsom Street to visually represent the District, welcome visitors, and serve as a “placemaking” focal point for the neighborhood.  The Board has looked at their various proposed designs, and feels that additional information about the design features, and additional discussion and opinion sharing, is needed. This Committee will review and revise the specifications, arrange to meet with the landscape architects, and make recommendations to the Board. 

The public is welcome to attend the Committee’s meetings; people of who have expressed interest in the LCD Arts and Culture Committee in the past are particularly invited.

For more info, or to be notified when the next meeting is scheduled, please contact Committee Chair Bob Brown.

GGGuards host Leather Auction Online

The Golden Gate Guards are having an on-line leather silent auction hosted by 32auctions.com.  This is a golden opportunity for you to add to your leather collection.

They have more than 120 items, including high quality leather boots, chaps, jackets, pants, vests, accessories and even some BDSM equipment. Many items are in excellent condition, while some show gentle wear.

Check it out at 32auctions.com/2021GGGLeatherAuction

The Auction is now OPEN, and is scheduled to close on Friday, September 17, 2021 at 09:00 PM PDT.  You will need to create an account at 32auctions.com in order to bid for the auction items.

This online event is to raise funds for the Golden Gate Guards, a leather-Levi, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, open to both men and women, that serves the San Francisco Bay Area. They host safe, sane, and enjoyable events for those with an interest in leather, Levis, motorcycles and uniforms, while raising money for other non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations.  They have a lot of fun, too!