March with Us in the Leather Contingent!

Photo of Leather Contingent in 2022 Pride Parade by David Hyman

Friends of the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District, and all members of the kink community, are invited to march with the Leather Pride Contingent in the Pride Parade on Sunday, June 30, 2024.

The latest info we have is that the Leather Contingent will be right in the middle of the parade.  Marchers should arrive between 11 am and 12 noon, and should gather in area N2, on Main Street between Mission and Howard Streets.  

Sign up for the Leather Contingent

Parade Update as of 6/20/2024:

Parade Plans as of 6/17/2024

Be sure to get your pin when you arrive at the start of the parade.
It will let you skip the line when you go to Leather Alley

Be sure to greet our distinguished Leather Marshals:

Please contact with questions about the Leather Contingent.

See you at the parade!