Community Benefit District Seeks Input

It might be easy for folks to confuse the new “SoMa West Community Benefit District” with our own Leather & LGBTQ Cultural District: they both serve roughly the same area within San Francisco, and they are both working to make that neighborhood safe, lively, and welcoming to residents and visitors.

So it is important for us to be clear and well-informed about the differences:  We don’t impose a tax on property owners and businesses; we don’t plan to power-wash the streets or hire safety patrols to supplement city services.  On the other hand, they don’t plan to help struggling BDSM performance artists keep their studios open, promote SOMA as a kinky vacation destination, or build a Leather Center.

But there is clearly a great deal of overlap in our interests.  So we are encouraging all members and friends of the Leather & LGBTQ Cultural District to do a few things:

  • Take a few minutes to fill out the Soma West CBD’s Initial Services survey. so that their priorities reflect yours;
  • Subscribe to their newsletter here, so that you hear about their meetings and activities; and
  • Consider serving on their Board of Directors, as a formal or informal representative of the Leather Community.  Full information and an application form can be found here.

Working with SoMa West CBD and other community-based Districts in the South of Market area is a priority for the Leather & LGBTQ Cultural District ; you can help with that important work.  Thanks!

Cultural District Active at Pride

Thanks to everyone who visited our booth at the 2019 Pride Celebration!  Many of you received info cards sending you to this Web site — thanks for following up and visiting!  Feel free to browse the site, and please do consider attending our next Community Meeting (info below.)

Thanks especially to the GLBT Historical Society  who arranged the booth for us and the Castro LGBTQ Cultural District.  It was wonderful to be able to share with so many people (locals and from around the world) just how much our city values its LGBT population and culture.

And of course, maximum thanks to the wonderful volunteers who helped staff the booth over the two days.

As we said so often, to so many people:  “Help keep our city kinky!”

Are You On Our Email List?

Having people on our mailing list is critical:  When there’s a hearing at City Hall, or a “Town Hall” event to discuss a new development, a good turnout can make all the difference. 

So please, let us contact you when we need you!  You’ll also get notices about our monthly meetings and other events, but not too many, we promise.

Click here to add your name to the Leather & LGBTQ Cultural District mailing list.  You can also request to receive notices about specific Committee meetings, if you like. 

Want to share the address with your friends?  Here it is again: .  

Bylaws Close to Completion!

Based on the agreements reached at the recent Facilitated Discussion, and additional discussion at the June 19 Community Meeting, we are pleased to announce that the Proposed Bylaws are “more or less” ready to be submitted to our attorney for final review.

You can view the latest draft on our Google Drive.  (If you have a account, open with your credentials,then browse to the “Shared files | General | Governance | [Current] Working Files” folder.

If you do not have such an account, you can still view the files, using these links:

PDF File, showing changes from the widely-distributed version dated March 19, 2019:
[Markup from Previous] Leather & LGBTQ Cultural District Bylaws (June 17, 2019).pdf

PDF File, incorporating all my recommended changes:
[Draft] Leather & LGBTQ Cultural District Bylaws (June 17, 2019).pdf

PDF file, same as above, but using a font made for ease of decoding for dyslexic readers:
[Draft] [OpenDyslexic Font] Leather & LGBTQ Cultural District Bylaws (June 17, 2019).pdf

Microsoft Word file, same content as above,
[Draft] Leather & LGBTQ Cultural District Bylaws (June 17, 2019).docx

Please note that these documents are still undergoing some final edits.  If you spot errors of any kind, please report them to,