You Can Help SF Plan Housing

We have been asked by SF Planning to help recruit outreach and engagement in Digital Participation Platform for the Housing Element 2022 Update.  They want to ensure inclusive participation of San Francisco’s diverse population, and to elevate voices they haven’t heard from before.

Head here to get started!  (You might also find this page this page a useful introduction.)

Muni Needs Artists

Muni Art 2021 Call For Artists Open for Submissions
All Bay Area Artists Invited to Apply

San Francisco—San Francisco Beautiful proudly announces that the call for artists to apply for Muni Art 2021 is open!  This will be the sixth year that the contest will feature the work of local artists and poets on Muni buses throughout San Francisco. The five winning artists will have their newly created work presented along with five poems selected by the Poetry Society of America displayed on 100 Muni buses that will be transformed into rolling art galleries beginning in January 2021.

The theme this year, “San Francisco United” to honor San Franciscans who are working together to keep our people safe. Muni Art is a collaboration with The Poetry Society of America (sponsors of Poetry in Motion ®) who will pre-select five poems that each Muni artist will creatively interpret. The five winners will be chosen by an appointed jury and announced Friday, August 21, 2020.

“Art brings people together in spirit, and this is critical during a time when we must remain physically apart” said Jeffrey Tumlin, SFMTA Director of Transportation. “We’re excited to keep this tradition going and to bring a sense of calm and inspiration to our riders during a challenging and stressful time.”

In addition to the five poetry panels, each artist has three panels to freely use that reflect the 2021 theme for a total of eight original works. The finished work will line both interior display sides of the buses. Readings by the poets at local libraries are scheduled for Spring 2021.

“This may be the most important year yet due to our shared experience of isolation due to the lockdown,” said Darcy Brown, executive director of San Francisco Beautiful. “Art and poetry influence our society by translating our collective values into beauty which can be processed and understood by everyone. ”

In addition to each artist having 20 Muni buses to use as a canvas, each artist will be awarded $1,000 at a press conference held on the steps of City Hall in January.  The artists have until Friday, July 17 at 6 pm.

View full submission instructions and details here: Muni-Art-2021-Call-For-Artists

Learn more about the Muni Art Project here:

Artists, please send submissions to: Peter Clarke,

Applications must be submitted via email to:

For details on sponsorship opportunities, please contact Darcy Brown at, 415-307-7707.

Grant Writing Program Offered

The LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District has been invited by the San Francisco Arts Commission to refer folks from our community to a new train-the-trainer program titled “Transformative Grant Writing: Seeding Reciprocity”, launching next month:

Having artists in our community with this kind of training could be extremely valuable to us, and to all of San Francisco’s rich Cultural Districts. Please review the attached documents for further information.

The application deadline has been extended to Friday, June 5, 2020. 

Updates on The Stud

South of Marketers were saddened to learn that The Stud — the oldest LGBT bar in San Francisco, and the first worker-owned cooperative queer bar and performance venue in the United States — is permanently closing down at its 9th and Harrison Street location.

However, we were pleased to hear that The Stud, the nightlife entity, is not dead. They have every intention of reopening as soon as possible in a new space, but “with the same lovingly outrageous vibe”.

We can all help make this possible: