Rachele Sullivan Park!

The SF Recreation and Parks Commission has voted unanimously to name the new park to be built at Natoma and 11th Street Rachele Sullivan Park, the name proposed and advocated for by the LEATHER District!.

The new 1/2 acre park, located just a few feet north of the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District, will include a half-basketball court, fitness area, children’s play area, and tables and seating throughout.  It is being designed to serve the entire community, of all ages and levels of ability.  A highly visible arts component will be included. The City has budgeted $12,775,000 for the park; construction should start next summer, and it hopes to be open to the public early in 2027.

We have been advocating for the park to be named after Rachele, one of the founders of our Cultural District and a prominent figure in SOMA’s Filipino community. 

The Commission hearing on July 18 included a presentation on the naming process by Erica Waltemade of the SOMA West Community Benefit District,  and moving statements from several of Rachele’s family members.

Other speakers included Cultural District Board Member David Hyman, and Cultural District Manager Cal Callahan, who served on the park’s naming committee and was important in consolidating community support for honoring Rachele in this way.

Letters of support from Supervisor Matt Dorsey, Folsom Street, Soma Pilipinas, the Transgender District, the Castro LGBTQ Cultural District, the Cree First Nations, and us, along with the Commission’s own staff report, were clearly important to the Commissioners.

After a careful review of the process, and with heartfelt acknowledgement of Rachele and her family. the Commission’s vote was unanimous.

Read about the Commission hearing in the Bay Area Reporter, and learn more about the Park Project on the Rec & Park website.

Entrepreneur Program Continues

The LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District is launching the fifth cohort of its Entrepreneur Training Program, a 9-week program to help leather community folk start and build their businesses.

The program is led by Eddie Tang of Above Consulting, a seasoned San Francisco business consultant, and features Zoom-based group sessions and one-on-one consultations.  At the end of the 9 weeks, participants will present their business plan to a panel of local business leaders, experts, and potential funders.  Those who complete the program will each receive a $500 grant to help with their startup costs.

Four cohorts of this program have now graduated, and the fifth will began on Thursday, September 5, 2024.

If you wish to apply for this program, please complete this application form.   Click here for full info!

Erotic Storytelling Hour!

Erotic Storytelling Hour

Between 2020 and 2024, the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District regularly hosted an hour of erotic, sexy, and funny readings by local (and sometimes internationally-known) writers.

The events were curated and hosted by Sumiko Saulson, a Bram Stoker Nominated poet for their 2022 collection The Rat King: A Book of Dark Poetry (Dooky Zines), and an award-winning author of Afrosurrealist and multicultural sci-fi and horror whose latest novel Happiness and Other Diseases is available on Mocha Memoirs Press.

Initially created to provide social connection during the pandemic, the Hour continued, providing an audience (and a small stipend) to local authors, and offering listeners a window on the variety of kinks and pleasures that bring joy to our diverse queer community.   

Erotic Storytelling Hour Video Archive (18+ Only)

Info about all our wonderful Erotic Storytellers!

If you enjoy listening, please become a member of the Cultural District: https://join.sflcd.org