Support the LGBTQ Museum

This month, San Francisco Mayor London Breed boldly proposed $12 million dollars in the city’s FY 2022 budget for the purpose of acquiring and developing a site for a new, full-scale museum of LGBTQ history and culture in San Francisco.

This is a project the GLBT Historical Society has been working on for many years. We need a larger, permanent home where we can preserve and share our incredibly diverse communities’ stories.

The LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District encourages your support for this line item in the mayor’s budget. Please sign onto the letter here no later than 12:00 noon on Thursday June 24 by completing the form linked at the bottom of the letter.

For more information about the GLBT Historical Society, its museum and archives, and other ways to support their work, please visit their Website here.

Out of Site

If you enjoyed the “Out of Site: SOMA” tour (either in person  or online), you might want to catch EyeZen Presents’ latest on-the-street theatrical event, Out of Site: Haight- Ashbury, a performance-driven queer history tour running weekends through July.  Full info and tickets are at



Save Azúcar Lounge’s Parklet


There is a petition to save Azúcar Lounge’s Parklet:

More info is on the Azúcar Lounge Facebook Page.

We believe this issue will also be discussed at the SOMA /West Community Benefit District’s Neighborhood Identity Committee Meeting on Tuesday June 22, 2021, from 6pm – 7pm (PDT).  You can join the Zoom Meeting at (Zoom Meeting ID: 740 841 7062, Passcode: 334441).

Thanks for supporting this important local business.

New Mural Decorates Oasis


On Monday morning, May 24, a new mural, titled “In Loving Memory of Sylvester – Mighty Real San Francisco Funk”, was dedicated on the Folsom Street wall of the Oasis nightclub.

The mural was painted by local artist Josh Katz, whose work can also be seen on our neighborhood’s handsome themed trash cans, on our Artists’ Spotlight Page, and on his own Website. Josh works primarily as a spray paint muralist and stencil artist, and says he has taken inspiration both from the life and music of Sylvester, and from Oasis itself.  

Speakers at the dedication included Josh Katz, Bob BrownCal Callahan, D’Arcy Drollinger, Matt Haney, Honey Mahogany, and  Reverend Marvin K. White.

You can enjoy this stunning video about the mural, created by videographer Val Eydelman (@vvvitalman).

The LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District is proud to have played a role in making this public artwork happen, and looks forward to arranging and funding more inspiring murals for the neighborhood in the coming months.  You can view a map of some our District’s other murals here.