Volunteer Season!

The LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District always needs volunteers, but during the summer, the need is particularly intense.

  • We can use all kinds of help with our Play on the Plaza events, on the second Saturday of each month.
  • We will be hosting two beer busts in September, promoting LeatherWalk.
  • We will have information tables or booths at major events: including the Folsom Street and Bearrison fairs.
  • Other ways to help include sitting on one of our standing Committees, or being available at short notice for special projects.
  • Please check out our Volunteer Opportunities and Signup page, join our Volunteer Notification Mailing List, or write to manager@sflcd.org!

Board Elections Coming Soon

We are a membership organization; our members elect our Board of Directors and our President. Three Board seats (each for a three-year term) and the Board President (for a one-year term) are elected each year.

You could be on the ballot. Now is the time to consider running.

Nominations open on July 3, 2024, and close at 5:00 pm Pacific Time on Friday, August 2, 2024.  

Being a Director of the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District means having a voice in the future of our South of Market neighborhood: helping it to thrive during current challenges and remain the vibrant, safe, and uniquely kinky space we all love and enjoy.

For more information, or to nominate yourself, please review the full information on our Nominations Page.

Full information

Nomination Form

Rachele Sullivan Park!

The SF Recreation and Parks Commission has voted unanimously to name the new park to be built at Natoma and 11th Street Rachele Sullivan Park, the name proposed and advocated for by the LEATHER District!.

The new 1/2 acre park, located just a few feet north of the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District, will include a half-basketball court, fitness area, children’s play area, and tables and seating throughout.  It is being designed to serve the entire community, of all ages and levels of ability.  A highly visible arts component will be included. The City has budgeted $12,775,000 for the park; construction should start next summer, and it hopes to be open to the public early in 2027.

We have been advocating for the park to be named after Rachele, one of the founders of our Cultural District and a prominent figure in SOMA’s Filipino community. 

The Commission hearing on July 18 included a presentation on the naming process by Erica Waltemade of the SOMA West Community Benefit District,  and moving statements from several of Rachele’s family members.

Other speakers included Cultural District Board Member David Hyman, and Cultural District Manager Cal Callahan, who served on the park’s naming committee and was important in consolidating community support for honoring Rachele in this way.

Letters of support from Supervisor Matt Dorsey, Folsom Street, Soma Pilipinas, the Transgender District, the Castro LGBTQ Cultural District, the Cree First Nations, and us, along with the Commission’s own staff report, were clearly important to the Commissioners.

After a careful review of the process, and with heartfelt acknowledgement of Rachele and her family. the Commission’s vote was unanimous.

Read about the Commission hearing in the Bay Area Reporter, and learn more about the Park Project on the Rec & Park website.