The next meeting of the Diversity Committee will be on Thursday, March 6, from 6 to 7 pm. Diversity Committee Facebook event. Diversity Committee Zoom link. Contact the Committee chair to get on the mailing list for this Committee, or for more info!
The Golden Dildeaux Award Nomination Reveal Party will happen on Saturday, March 8, from 5 to 7 pm, at the SF Eagle. Be there, to find out who has made it to the ballot. Read more about the Golden Dildeaux Awards here.
The next meeting of the Membership Committee will be on Monday, March 10, from 6 to 7 pm. Membership Committee Facebook event. Membership Committee Zoom link. Contact the Committee chair to get on the mailing list for this Committee, or for more info!
The next meeting of the Communications Committee will be Thursday, March 13, from 6 to 7 pm. Communications Committee Zoom link. Facebook page. Contact the committee chair.
The next meeting of the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District Board of Directors will be Wednesday, March 19, 2025, from 6 to 8 p.m. As always, all are welcome to attend, and time is reserved for public comment. ASL interpretation provided if requested ten days in advance. To participate, use the Board of Directors Meeting Zoom link, or call 1-408-638-0968 and use Meeting ID: 847 8906 0820 and Passcode: 972086. Facebook page. Draft agenda coming soon. Minutes of past Board meetings. Please contact if you have questions.
The next meeting of the Arts and Culture Committee is scheduled for Thursday, March 27, from 6 to 7 pm. Arts and Culture Committee Facebook page. Zoom link. Please contact the Committee chair to get on the mailing list for this Committee, or for more info!
The next meeting of the Land Use Committee is scheduled for Monday, April 7, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Land Use Committee Meeting Zoom Link. Facebook page. Contact the committee chair for more info, or to join this Committee.
A Governance and Legislation Committee meeting will be scheduled when needed. Please contact the Governance and Legislation Committee chair to sign up, or for more info!
The next meeting of the Board of the Friends of Eagle Plaza is scheduled for Wednesday, March 12, 2025, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. Meeting Zoom Link. You can be added to the “Friends of Eagle Plaza” mailing list. You can make a donation to the Friends of Eagle Plaza. You can like and follow them on Facebook. You can learn more about the Plaza’s design, construction and stewardship on the Friends of Eagle Plaza website, or you can write to
The LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District Anniversary Block Party will happen on Saturday, May 10, 2025, from 12pm – 3pm, in Ringold Alley. Mark your calendar now and watch for full information
We send out a newsletter each month, right before our Board Meeting. Do you get it?
If not, view a recent newsletter, then sign up to get it monthly.
Speaking of newsletters, the SOMA West Community Benefit District does a great one, highlighting events — both social and political — affecting our part of the City. Subscribe to the SOMA West Community Benefit District newsletter.
San Francisco has ten Cultural Districts, each supporting a unique aspect of the City’s cultural mosaic You can learn about the San Francisco Cultural Districts Program, and subscribe to a Cultural Districts newsletter, published quarterly by the Mayor’s Office of Housing & Community Development.
We keep adding links to our Resource Guide page. Use it!
Threats to our South of Market businesses and institutions can arise quickly and may require a quick community response. SOMA Action network sign-up link.
If you have not yet seen it, please read our Statement of Solidarity, and consider what you personally can do to fight racism, injustice, and abuse of police power.