LeatherWalk 2024 Fundraiser User Guide

This guide is designed to support YOU while you raise funds for LeatherWalk 2024. Whether you’re new to fundraising or looking to refine your approach, you’ll find valuable tips and strategies here to help you succeed.

For your convenience, the guide is also available in a downloadable and printable format. Let’s make this year’s LeatherWalk a success together!


What is LeatherWalk 2024?

LeatherWalk is a cherished annual celebration and fundraiser organized by the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District in San Francisco’s South of Market (SOMA) area. Established in 1992, this tradition brings together the leather, kink, and LGBTQ communities to celebrate their vibrant cultural heritage, enhance visibility, and raise essential funds. Proceeds from LeatherWalk directly support our Leather Legacy Landmarks sidewalk plaques initiative to install plaques at 77 iconic and sometimes raucous SOMA locations, honoring businesses and venues that began serving our community in the 1960s.

LeatherWalk 2024 takes place on Sunday, September 22, 2024 starting at 11 AM. Participants gather at City Hall and walk through South of Market, pausing for entertainment and refreshments at favorite venues. The walk concludes at Eagle Plaza with the raising of the Leather Pride Flag during the SF Eagle Bar’s Leather Pride Fest. The event raises funds, fosters community spirit, encourages self-expression, and plays a crucial role in preserving the historical and cultural identity of our leather & LGBTQ communities.

All Walkers can register for free. Those Walkers who are interested in fundraising can utilize an easy-to-use peer-to-peer fundraising platform. Donations from the community are strongly encouraged.

For more information about creating a Team, signing up as a Walker, Volunteering, or making a donation, visit www.leatherwalk.org

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Tl;dr: What is LeatherWalk 2024? 

LeatherWalk, established in 1992, brings together the leather, kink, and LGBTQ communities to celebrate their vibrant cultural heritage and raise essential funds for the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District. Proceeds from LeatherWalk directly support our Leather Legacy Landmarks sidewalk plaques initiative to install plaques at 77 iconic and sometimes raucous SOMA locations, honoring places that began serving our community in the 1960s.

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5 Simple Steps for Fundraisers:

    1. KNOW: Understand LeatherWalk and the Leather Legacy Landmark initiative—know what you’re raising funds for.
    2. ASK: Reach out directly and ask for support and donations. Be clear and specific about the need.
    3. BE PERSONAL: Share your personal connection to the cause. Let people know why this matters to you.
    4. THANK: Always express gratitude. Thank your donors promptly and sincerely.
    5. REPEAT: Don’t be shy—follow up! It often takes up to 7 asks before someone donates, so keep reaching out.

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Fundraising Hot Tips:

    • 7x Touches: It often takes 7 times seeing your ask before someone donates—keep sharing!
    • Leverage Tools: Make the most of our fundraising tools to streamline your efforts.
    • Personalize & Aim High: Customize your page and set an ambitious fundraising goal.
    • Confidence is Key: Practice your pitch so you can ask with conviction!
    • Mix It Up: Use a variety of asks—social media, texts, emails, and be creative..
    • Corporate Matching: Maximize donations with corporate matching gifts.
    • Mini Goals: Set smaller goals along the way and celebrate hitting your milestones!

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Who to Ask for Donations:

    • Family members
    • Friends
    • Your company or organization
    • Current colleagues
    • Former colleagues
    • Neighbors
    • Sports club/gym buddies
    • Members of your fellowship, clubs, or associations
    • Former classmates
    • Local businesses
    • Long-lost friends
    • Friends of friends
    • And anyone else in your network!

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How to Ask: Direct Ask Scripts

Phone call:

You: Hi [Donor], this is [Your Name] calling on behalf of the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District. How are you?

Donor: I’m good, thanks. How about you?

You: I’m doing well, thank you! I’m calling to ask for your support for LeatherWalk 2024. This year, I’m participating in the walk, and I’m reaching out to ask for your support.

This event funds our Leather Legacy Landmark initiative, honoring key community venues with commemorative plaques. Would you consider making a donation to support this important cause?

Donor: Sure, I’d love to help. How can I donate?

You: That’s wonderful, thank you! You can donate directly at leatherwalk.org. Any amount you can give will make a big difference.

Donor: Great, I’ll do that.

You: Thank you so much, [Donor]! Your support means a lot to our community. Have a great day!

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Text message

Hi [Donor], I’m participating in LeatherWalk 2024 and am reaching out to ask for your support.

This event funds our Leather Legacy Landmark initiative, honoring key community venues with commemorative plaques. Would you consider making a donation to support this important cause?

You can donate here www.leatherwalk.org. Any amount you can give will make a big difference. Thank you so much!

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Facebook Messenger/Instagram/DM

Hi [Name]!

I’m excited to let you know that I’m walking in this year’s LeatherWalk, and I could really use your support! 🎉 This event helps fund the Leather Legacy Landmark initiative, which honors our community’s historic venues with commemorative plaques.

Would you consider making a donation to support this cause? You can donate easily at www.leatherwalk.org. Every bit helps!

Thanks so much for your support!

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Personal emails V1: 

Subject: Help Me Rock LeatherWalk 2024!

Hey [Donor],

Guess what? I’m joining LeatherWalk 2024, and I need your help! 🎉

This awesome event supports the Leather Legacy Landmark initiative, honoring our community’s legendary spots. Can you chip in a few bucks to support the cause?

Donate here: www.leatherwalk.org

Thanks a million! 🙌

[Your Name]

Personal emails V2:

Subject: Help Me Raise Money for LeatherWalk 2024!

Dear [Donor],

I hope this message finds you well. I’m excited to share that I’ll be participating in LeatherWalk 2024, and I need your help to make it a success!

LeatherWalk is an annual event organized by the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District, and it plays a crucial role in funding our Leather Legacy Landmark initiative. This initiative honors key community venues with commemorative plaques, preserving our rich cultural heritage.

I’m reaching out to ask for your support in raising funds for this important cause. Would you consider making a donation? You can donate directly on our website at www.leatherwalk.org. Any amount you can give will make a huge difference.

Your support means the world to me and our community. Thank you so much for helping us keep our history alive!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

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Group Email

Subject: Support Needed for LeatherWalk 2024

Hello Everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. I’m writing to share some exciting news and to ask for your support for an important cause.

I will be participating in LeatherWalk 2024, organized by the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District. This annual event is crucial in funding our Leather Legacy Landmark initiative, which honors key community venues with commemorative plaques.

Would you consider making a donation to support this important cause? You can donate directly on our website at www.leatherwalk.org. Any amount you can give will make a significant difference.

Thank you so much for your support and for helping us preserve our community’s rich history.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

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Group Text

Hey everyone! 🎉

I’m joining LeatherWalk 2024 and need your help! This event supports the Leather Legacy Landmark initiative, honoring our community’s legendary spots.

Can you donate to help? Just head to www.leatherwalk.organd chip in whatever you can. Every bit helps!

Thanks a ton! 🙌

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Email blast / newsletter

Hello Friends and Supporters!

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m gearing up for LeatherWalk 2024, and I’m reaching out to invite you to be part of this exciting event!

What’s LeatherWalk?
LeatherWalk is our annual celebration that brings together the leather, kink, and LGBTQ communities. This year, we’re rallying to support the Leather Legacy Landmark initiative, which honors our cherished community venues with commemorative plaques.

How Can You Help?
I’m calling on you to help me make this event a success! Your donation will directly support this important cause and help preserve our community’s vibrant history.

Here’s How to Contribute:
Donate online at www.leatherwalk.org. Every little bit helps, and your support means the world to us.

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How to Ask: Passive Ask Scripts

Social media

Hi everyone!

I’m excited to share that I’ll be participating in LeatherWalk 2024! 🎉 This annual event is a fantastic way to support the Leather Legacy Landmark initiative, which honors our community’s historic venues with commemorative plaques.

I’m reaching out to ask for your support. If you’re able, please consider making a donation to help fund this great cause. You can contribute easily at www.leatherwalk.org. Every donation helps!

Thanks so much for your support and for helping keep our community’s history alive!

[Your Name]

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Social media: personal

Example from Alicia: 

I am THRILLED to share that I’m participating in LeatherWalk 2024

I’m walking because I believe in keeping our queer spaces vibrant and true to their roots. Our community venues and businesses have been pivotal in shaping our culture and identity, and it’s crucial we honor and preserve them. 🏳️‍🌈

LeatherWalk is more than just a walk—it’s a celebration and a fundraiser for the Leather Legacy Landmark initiative. This project is all about installing commemorative plaques that recognize and celebrate the historic venues that have supported and enriched our community.

I’m reaching out to ask for your support. If you’re passionate about keeping our queer spaces queer, please consider making a donation. Every contribution helps ensure that these important places are remembered and celebrated for years to come.

Donate here: www.leatherwalk.org

Thank you for helping make a difference and for supporting our community’s legacy!

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Social Media Best Practices:

    • Tell Your Story: Keep it brief and always include a photo or video to capture attention.
    • Tag & Thank: Tag people in your posts and publicly thank your donors for their support.
    • Link Placement: Always include your fundraising link near the top of your posts for easy access.
    • Post Frequently: Frequency matters—share short posts several times a week to keep your campaign visible.
    • Engage with Others: Interact with people on social media by engaging with their posts; it’s a great way to build connections and encourage support.

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Blog posts

Title: Join Me in Supporting LeatherWalk 2024!

Hello Everyone!

I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be participating in LeatherWalk 2024, an incredible event organized by the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District. This annual celebration is more than just a walk—it’s a meaningful way to support our community and preserve our rich history.

What is LeatherWalk 2024?
LeatherWalk is a cherished event that brings together the leather, kink, and LGBTQ communities to celebrate and honor our cultural heritage. This year, the focus is on supporting the Leather Legacy Landmark initiative, which is dedicated to installing commemorative plaques that honor key venues and businesses that have been instrumental to our community since the 1960s.

Why Your Support Matters
As I prepare for this year’s walk, I’m reaching out to ask for your support. Your donation will directly contribute to this important initiative, helping to fund the installation of these plaques and ensuring that our community’s history is preserved for future generations.

How You Can Help
If you’re able to, please consider making a donation to support this cause. It’s easy to contribute through our website at www.leatherwalk.org. Any amount you can give will make a significant impact and is greatly appreciated.

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TikTok / Reel script

[Opening shot: You with a big smile, maybe wearing a gear or something related]

You: Hey TikTok! 🎉 I’m super excited because I’m taking part in LeatherWalk 2024, and I need your help! 🏳️‍🌈

[Cut to: Images of past LeatherWalk events or related images]

You: LeatherWalk is an awesome event where we celebrate our leather, kink, and LGBTQ communities. It’s not just a walk—it’s a way to support the Leather Legacy Landmark initiative. This project honors our historic community spots with special plaques!

[Cut to: You holding a sign or showing the donation link on your phone]

You: I’m reaching out to ask if you can help us out with a donation. 💖 Just head to www.leatherwalk.organd donate whatever you can. Every little bit helps and makes a huge difference!

[Cut to: You giving a thumbs up or waving]

You: Thanks so much for your support! Let’s make LeatherWalk 2024 amazing together! 🌟

[Text on screen: “Donate at www.leatherwalk.org”]

You: See you at the walk! 🙌

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Tricks to Making It Personal:

  • Host Personal Fundraising Events: Think about what you and your friends love—make it fun and engaging!
    • Ideas: Cocktail parties, BBQs, card games, potluck dinners, or gatherings at queer-friendly spots like bars, restaurants, or Beer Busts.
  • Add a Fun Twist: Plan unique activities like “get flogged for a dollar a pop” challenge!
  • Use Your Personal Skills:
    • Friendly Persuasion: Lean into your communication and listening skills to connect with potential donors.
    • Be Creative: Tailor your approach to fit your personality and the interests of your network.

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LeatherWalk 2024 Key Info

    • Date: Sunday, September 22, 2024
    • Starts at: San Francisco City Hall, Polk Street Steps
    • Times:
      • Gather at 11:00 AM
      • Program at 11:15 AM
      • Step Off at 11:30 AM
      • Leather Pride Flag Raising at SF Eagle Plaza at approximately 3:00 PM
    • Theme:  Bring Your Kink. Step Out. Give Back.
    • Fundraising Goal:  $22,000
    • Fundraising Purpose:  The LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District’s Leather Legacy Landmarks sidewalk plaques initiative
    • Route:
      • City Hall
      • Oasis
      • Powerhouse, Azucar Lounge, Hole in the Wall
      • Leather Etc
      • Mr S Leather, Ringold Alley
      • Lone Star Saloon
      • SF Eagle Plaza
      • Leather Pride Fest, SF Eagle
    • Website:  LeatherWalk.org
    • Key words & phrases you might use when discussing LeatherWalk 2024: 
      leather pride, kink, celebration, free, everyone welcome to walk, ADA accessible, Sister Roma, Leather Pride Flag-raising, bronze sidewalk plaques, South of Market, “our history”, “traditional community fundraiser”, Folsom Street, “one week before the Folsom Street Fair”, “leather legacy landmarks”, “long-lost bars, bathhouses, art galleries, and leather stores”,  community unity, political visibility, “walking about a mile in all, no hills”, LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District, kink organizations, photo ops, Ringold Alley, “cross between a pride march and a bar crawl”, “comfortable shoes or boots, anything else is optional”, etc.
    • Additional Info:

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Graphics You Can Use

Save these images to your device, and use them to enhance your asks.  Additional images can be grabbed from the LeatherWalk Photo Albums at the bottom of the LeatherWalk History page

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