Meet The Board

Please enjoy this look at our Board of Directors and others who help make the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District possible.

Reika Faust, President

Reika Faust (she/her) is an Okinawan/American leather queer femme who moved to the bay area in 2011.  From the moment she set foot in San Francisco, she has volunteered her time and energies toward the kink and leather communities in a multitude of forms.  Starting with her involvement as Orientation Director for Society of Janus (2014-2021) teaching monthly classes that promoted personal responsibility and individual safety in classes like Dungeon Introduction and Etiquette at the SF Citadel prior to parties geared toward new individuals finding the kink scene.  She had the honor of representing the leather community in 2019 as Ms. SF Leather.

She was an educator for The Ethical Slut Presents Navigating Consent with Dossie Easton (2020-2022) in which she collaborated with a team to create and update curriculum for interactive classes for transgressors and survivors of consent violation.  She was one of the facilitators for the program providing psychoeducation about power and control, cycles of violence and effective communication, as well as providing emotional support for the attendees of the program. 

In 2022, she was the co-coordinator of The Exiles, during which time she assisted the organization with ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements to operate as a 501(c)3 non-profit, assisted with relationship building within the community, and mediated conflict within the organization.

She has had the pleasure of being an educator at SF Citadel, Dark Odyssey, Northwest Leather Celebration, StopGap, Wicked Grounds and International Ms. Leather & International Ms. Bootblack teaching educational classes ranging from consent and negotiation, skills development and exploration of power exchange.  She has been invited to speak at educational panels regarding BDSM practices for universities and organizations such as Alliant University, Palo Alto University, Notre Dame de Namur, TASHRA, Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired and UCSF. 

Throughout the last decade, she has organized and hosted hundreds of events such as CRAVE, Newbie Frenzy, Mystique, Taste, Queer as Fuck and most recently RED…Away from the cis-male gaze, to name a few. 

She has worked for SOMArts since March 2023 in a role as Program Associate (quarter time employee) for the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District where she assists with the organization and execution of district events and has been a board member since August of 2023. 

In 2022, she was one of the founders of House of Fire, a club of queers who donate time and labor to organizations requesting volunteer assistance for their events.  They were thrilled to support the first San Francisco Rubber Weekend, security for IMsLBB 2024, and The Exiles 25th Anniversary Party so that the members of the community could enjoy their events.

Outside of her volunteerism within the leather and kink community, Reika has a successful private practice and is an adjunct professor.  She is passionate about the work that she does and pours her energies into building community and fostering connection in hopes to ensure that the LEATHER & LGBTQ history is not erased from the fabric of San Francisco. 

In her personal life, she is a mother of three amazing hellions and 3 furbabies whom she loves more than life itself.  She frequents the SF Eagle, a place she considers home, and her required self-care to ensure balance is to go out dancing at least once a month.  She adores going off the grid, disconnecting from technology and becoming unreachable at least twice a year and leans heavily into the Phoenix Family, her leather family, for support and love.  

Eric See, Vice President

Eric (he/him) has been involved in the Bay Area leather community for almost two decades. He has had several leadership roles over the years, including the Leathermen’s Discussion Group, the 15 Association and Transform1060. He was a part of the initial creation of the SF Leather and LGBTQ Cultural District. He has served on the board for many years including as secretary and currently vice president. In addition, Eric has a long history of work in social justice movements both locally and nationally. You might run into him at the SF Eagle, tied to a cross in a dungeon, at a local metal concert, or swimming in the bay. 

Alicia (AB) Bee, Secretary

Alicia (she/they) is a passionate advocate for fostering a vibrant Queer community. Originally from Flint, Michigan, Alicia found her community in Chicago, where she embarked on her journey as a radical body acceptance activist and fat activist. She founded a radical body acceptance group, organized sex-positive events, and created inclusive spaces for queer, kinky, and gender-nonconforming folx. Alicia has also actively participated in broader movements, including letter writing for Flying Over Walls, Slut March, Dyke March, Black Lives Matter, and the TPAN AIDS Ride.

Alicia is a Board Member and Co-Chair of the Communications Committee for the Leather & LGBTQ Cultural District. Her work spans various committees, including Fundraising, where she helped organize events like the Golden Dildeaux Awards which raised thousands of dollars. She proudly earned the title of 3rd Fiercest Femme in San Francisco at the event, alongside friends Reika and Michelle. Alicia is also deeply involved in planning LeatherWalk, contributing her energy and expertise to ensure the event’s success.

Professionally, Alicia brings over 25 years of experience in Marketing, Branding, and Creative Direction across Technology, Sports, and Advertising, in both for-profit and non-profit sectors. With more than 15 years in management roles, she excels in team building, leadership, strategic planning, and budget management. Alicia’s corporate experience includes leading LGBTQIA+ Employee Resource Groups and Gender Equity in Tech initiatives, showcasing her commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Alicia is a staunch advocate for diverse representation on the board, including trans, non-binary, non-gendered, women, BIPoC, and LatinX individuals. She believes that leadership should reflect its members rather than the establishment. Alicia is dedicated to the liberation and empowerment of all people, recognizing that diversity is a source of strength. She honors the intersections of identities, knowing that the freedom of each individual is connected to the freedom of all.

Deeply committed to fostering the vibrant leather and LGBTQ+ community, Alicia aims to leverage her extensive skills and experiences to support the Leather & LGBTQ Cultural District’s growth, inclusivity, and long-term sustainability.

Bob Brown, Treasurer

Bob (he/him) moved to San Francisco in 1978 and has been a member of the SOMA Leather & Kink community since 1980. He met his late husband of 36 years at the Arena Bar (the former location of The Stud). Over the years, Bob has been involved with various leather organizations, with his strongest connection being with the 15 Association, where he served as a former Chair. In 2017, he retired from Kaiser Permanente as a Senior Project Manager. For the past 15 years, he has also served as the Chair of the board of directors of The Family Link, a guest house that provides accommodations for individuals visiting San Francisco to support relatives with serious or terminal illnesses.

In 2017, Bob reconnected with his current husband at the former location of Stompers (a long-time establishment for boots and leather accessories) and proposed marriage in front of that location at the Dore Alley Street Fair. This rich history inspired Bob to get involved with the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District. He was part of the committee that developed the organization’s bylaws and was elected to the board, where he has been a member for the past six years. For the previous five and a half years, Bob served as President of the Board and has recently been elected to the office of Treasurer. He has also chaired the Communications Committee and worked on the Safety Forums held at The Eagle. Bob is committed to helping the board achieve its goals of involving a broader representation of the Leather & Kink Community.

David Hyman, Board Member

David (he/him) is a 72-year-old, gay white male. He moved to SF in the 1970s and became an active patron of SOMA bars and clubs. He worked for 30+ years’ for a private not-for-profit organization, before retiring and becoming active in the kink community, offering leadership and technical support to the Rubber Men of San Francisco, the San Francisco Bay Area Leather Alliance, the Golden Gate Guards, the Bears of San Francisco, and other groups. Most recently he launched the Yellow and Black Group, organizing watersports parties and hosting the Piss Pool at kinky street fairs. 

His involvement with the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District goes back to before the District even existed, attending community meetings and City Hall hearings, helping to create and maintain the group’s website and membership database, and much more. 

In the coming year —  his last concurrent year on the Board under the Bylaws — he plans to continue to serve on multiple Committees, assist with the planned update of the website, and participate, as feasible, with Cultural District projects, especially in the advancement of CHHESS Strategies 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 19, and 20.

David is single, widowed after three marriages and 30+ years with his husband Bill. He is extremely “out” as a pervert: he is a two-time Golden Dildeaux winner, is the inventor of Piss Poker, and believes “everyone’s at least a little bit kinky”.

Diablo, Board Member

Diablo (he/him) has been part of the Bay Area’s BDSM and kink scene for many years, organizing events in San Francisco and the East Bay. He helps create events that become trusted places for people to explore kink in environments that emphasizes safety, respect, and consent.

His work reflects a strong commitment to making the community accessible, especially for those from under-represented groups, such as people of color, LGBTQIA+ folks, neurodivergent individuals, and those with disabilities. Through his work with AfterDark, Diablo has helped create events that foster a sense of belonging and community for attendees.

Diablo’s approach to leadership is on making sure others feel welcome, supported, and hear. Shunning the spotlight, he prefers to work as much as possible behind the scenes creating intentional spaces that are as inclusive as they are exhilarating.

Jonathan Ojinaga, Board Member

Jonathan (he/him) is a seasoned entrepreneur and community advocate with a longstanding presence in San Francisco. As the owner and operator of Azucar Lounge for 13 years and, more recently, the co-owner of Matterhorn Restaurant & Bakery (acquired in August 2023), Jonathan has demonstrated his commitment to building thriving businesses that contribute to the local community.

With a solid foundation in international retail, Jonathan brings a wealth of experience in operations, supply chain management, and strategic planning to his role as a business owner. His successful transition to the hospitality industry demonstrates his adaptability and entrepreneurial spirit.

Jonathan is a dedicated community member with a strong interest in supporting local initiatives. He is passionate about fostering a thriving community by advocating for small businesses, environmental sustainability, and LGBTQ+ rights. His professional skills and commitment to making a positive difference make him a valuable asset to any organization.

Stephen Roberts, Board Member

Stephen (he/him) serves as the Arts and Culture Chair for the District. He brings a commitment to social justice and LGBTQ+ equality and while also bringing creative, operational and organizational skills from over 25 years of experience in the corporate world. He has extensive experience in community facing work as a volunteer for many organizations such as the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, AIDS Emergency Fund  as well as serving as Board Member and Operations Chair for Folsom Street Events.  He additionally has worked for himself entrepreneurially as a private chef and caterer and executed a successful series of popups while also starting his own catering firm, Les Deux Cochons. He most recently launched Stephen Roberts LLC that provides organizational support and event planning services. When he is not working for the communities he’s a part of or organizing other people’s lives, he’s probably cooking or adding to his growing 19th century cookbook collection.

Val Langmuir, Board Member

Val (they/them or she/her) has been out as queer for over forty years and as a kinkster for thirty. Val’s leather journey began in the UK, where in the early 90s they were involved in the London SM Dykes and helped organize SM Pride. After moving to California, Val joined The Exiles San Francisco in 1997, serving in various officer positions starting in 2004. In 2013 Val competed in the Ms. San Francisco Leather contest and was honored to be selected as the titleholder. Val’s title year was spent judging contests, and teaching BDSM classes with two “partners in pain” whom we will call J & K. After Val stepped down as Ms. SF Leather, they ran for IMsL in 2015, where they had tons of fun and did not win anything. Val kept volunteering in the leather community after their titleholding career was over, including at Leather Alley at Pride through 2017.

Val has served on the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District Board since 2020. As well as Board meetings, Val serves on the Diversity and Membership Committee. Val hopes to help the district be more inclusive and to recruit people in under-represented groups (which in the case of the Cultural District, is anyone other than cisgender gay men) to leadership positions.

Val works at a non-profit, where they oversee the IT department. When not too busy at work or the Cultural District, Val enjoys geocaching, photography, travel, and serving on their synagogue’s board of trustees. As a player, Val is mostly a bottom, who – although their masochism has taken a back seat to unwelcome pain that came with aging – still loves boots and canes.

Gayle Rubin, Historian

photo credit to Mark I Chester.

Gayle was involved in the establishment of the Leather and LGBTQ Cultural District, and has been actively engaged ever since. She has a deep knowledge of the history of Leather and Queer SOMA, based on decades of research and archival preservation of primary source materials, as well as living in the District. Rubin helped found Samois and the Outcasts, and is a member of the Society of Janus and the Exiles. She serves on the Board of the Leather Archives & Museum and the Selection Committee of the Leather Hall of Fame. She was among the principals who generated the leather history installation on Ringold Alley. Rubin has presented programs for Samois, The Society of Janus, the Outcasts, the Exiles, and the Leathermen’s Discussion Group. She has received the Leather Leadership Award of the National LGBTQ Task Force, the Race Bannon Advocacy Award of the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom, the San Francisco Bay Area Leather Alliance Philip M. Turner Lifetime Achievement Award, the Key to the Folsom Street Fair, and a Lifetime Community Achievement Award from the Exiles. Rubin has published in Drummer, DungeonMaster, Leatherfolk, and Coming to Power, and has contributed to several key official documents, including “Recognizing, Protecting and Memorializing South of Market LGBTQ Social Heritage Neighborhood Resources,” the Resolution establishing the Leather and LGBTQ Cultural District, and the CHHESS report for the district.  She has worked tirelessly to preserve the leather, kink, and queer presence South of Market.


Bob Goldfarb, Executive Director

Bob (he/him) has been managing non-profit organizations since 1991. Since moving to San Francisco his roles have included President of Folsom Street Events, where he initiated the Security committee and served as Vice-President before being elected President. Subsequently, he served as the Program Director for the Leathermen’s Discussion Group (LDG). He was also Mr. February on SF’s 1998 Bare Chest Calendar.

His involvement with the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District began in 2017, when he began attending the grassroots meetings that lead to the formation of the District. While the group was still an informal organization, he was elected the first Chairperson in January of 2018 and the first Chairperson of the Land-Use Committee at the same time.

He helped shepherd the legislation founding the District through City Hall, meeting with all 11 Supervisors or their aides. He worked on the District’s initial by-laws from their formation through the final draft that was approved In the summer of 2019. He was elected the District’s first President in August 2019.

He worked with our fiscal sponsor SOMArts to establish their first model C fiscal sponsor agreement. He worked establishing our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and worked on establishing our software and financial systems.

He has worked closely with city agencies including, the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development, SF Public Works, the Office of Economic and Workplace Development, and the Planning Department.

He has been responsible for place making initiatives in the District including the white street sign with the District’s name, the Leather Pride Flag pole wraps on 106 light poles in SOMA, as well as the Leather Pride themed crosswalks and the sidewalk plaques commemorating iconic SOMA places that are both coming on Folsom Street alleys over the next two years.

He has been responsible for numerous pieces of legislation including those: making it easier for our community businesses to establish themselves in SOMA, legislation enabling our place making initiatives, legislation codifying fair treatment of city fees paid by Cultural Districts. He has spoken at numerous hearings supporting legislation to benefit our communities and those of other Cultural Districts.

He has negotiated with developers to ensure fair treatment of events (like the Folsom Street Fair) during their construction phases as well as ensuring new residents are advised they will be living in a Cultural District with events like the Folsom Street Fair.

He has worked on our fundraisers including the Golden Dildeaux Awards, developing custom software, managing the annual contest and website as well as the marketing efforts.

He managed the research and production of our City required CHHESS report, a planning document that took 4 years to complete and was only the third one in the city that’s been finished.

He manages: the District’s day-to-day operations, employees,expenses, insurance, financial reporting to our grant funders and the City, contracts with our consultants and contractors. He developed and now manages the finance systems connected with our fiscal sponsor as well as monthly expense reports and payroll.

In his spare time, he judges international chocolate contests.

Cal Callahan, District Manager

Originally from New Jersey, Cal Callahan (he, him) has lived in the Bay Area for forty years, after an eight-year detour to Boston. He holds a BFA in Art Education from Rutgers University and did graduate work in the field at Boston University. After years in the hospitality and retail fields, he has spent the last twenty-five years in nonprofit organizations, primarily in the HIV/AIDS field, with experience in health education, community outreach, volunteer management, and fundraising. As a fundraiser, he specialized in peer-to-peer fundraising with AIDS Walk, AIDS LifeCycle, Muir’s March and Ride, and Bare Chest Calendar. He currently serves on the board of directors of the Calendar.

Cal joined the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District four years ago during the COVID shutdown, combining his passion for community organizing and grassroots projects. His interest in kink and leather began in the early days of the AIDS crisis, when the leather and lesbian communities mobilized early to raise money and give care. He was Sainted by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence at PRC’s Christmas Eve Dinner for People with AIDS for his work in the community. Cal lives with husband Richard in North Oakland. He is a foodie and wannabe author.