Land Use Survey

As you may know, the Land Use Committee of the Leather and LGBTQ Cultural District is charged with organizing and advocating on behalf of our community priorities, both at public hearings and in discussions and negotiations with local project developers and community leaders.

We have created a brief survey, to help us begin to get a sense of where our organization’s members — and our community as a whole — want us to focus some of our efforts.

The survey is not scientific or binding upon the group.  It is intended to gather only general information and preferences, and get us all thinking about how we will deal with future challenges and opportunities..

The survey is anonymous, and will take only a few minutes to complete.  Please go to and share your thoughts and opinions with us.

Thanks very much.  The survey results will appear on this Web site soon.


Join A Committee!

You are cordially invited and encouraged to join any of  the active Committees of the Leather and LGBTQ Cultural District:

  • Outreach Committee, chaired by Steve Gaynes and David Hyman
  • Governance Committee, chaired by Rand Hunt
  • Land Use Committee, chaired by Dahn Van Laarz
  • Finance Committee, chaired by Pat Collins, Lex King and Jonathan Schroder
  • Legislative Committee, chaired by Bob Goldfarb

We also plan to have three “Stakeholder Committees”.

  • Nightlife Committee
  • Business Committee
  • Organizations Committee

There will also be a Nominating Committee, to help us with the process of electing our first Board of Directors.

All of these committees will be active, important, and fun.  Special expertise and relevant experience and skills are welcome, but they are not required. What is more important is that you represent our community with common sense and a sincere desire to help.

Your time commitment need not be great — even just a couple of hours per month could be enough. But the role and responsibility you will have in guiding our group will be critically valuable, and much appreciated.

For these Committees– as for all our District’s work — getting a diverse cross-section of our kinky and queer communities to join in is important. Please help us make sure that we reflect and respond to your interests — as an individual, and as a representative of other trans folks, younger folks, non-binary folks, POCs, or any other element of our broad and beautiful L&LGBTQ spectrum.

You can join any of these Committees most easily by clicking on the words “update your preferences” at the very bottom of any “Mailchimp” email message you get from us.   If you are NOT currently receiving those emails, you can sign up at, and indicate your committee interests at the same time.  

You can also sign up for Committees at any of our open Community Meetings.  Or write to the our group’s Chairperson, Robert Goldfarb, for more information.


All our meetings are free and open to all.  Unless otherwise announced, our meetings are held at SF Catalyst, 1060 Folsom Street (between 6th and 7th Streets), San Francisco, CA 94103.

For most meetings, ASL interpreters and/or wheelchair access will be provided if requested at least two days in advance.  Please send requests to the Committee Chair, or

Committee members are encouraged to sign up for an “” email address.  You can choose to use this for actual email or not, but having the account will allow you to access Committee documents on our new Google Drive, and participate in Committee discussions using Google Hangouts Chat (“@Chat”).  To get an account, please write to  and he will be in touch to get you set up.

Links for January Meeting

For your convenience, here are links to important documents relevant to the Leather and LGBTQ Cultural District Community Meeting of Wednesday, January 16, 2019:


Minutes of SFLCD Community Meeting 12/19/2018

Draft of Proposed Bylaws Sections for Member Review and Action

Proposed Election Procedures

Feedback Form

Outreach Committee Proposal Regarding Organization Names and Acronyms
(Supplemental info available here.)

Steering Committee Proposal

Draft of Bylaws Articles Ready For Review

The Governance Committee is pleased to present the first draft of a number of the Bylaws Articles that we have worked through and are recommending for our Members’ input.

Below are links to two separate documents:

Draft of Proposed Bylaws sections for member review and action — This document reflects proposed language for key Bylaws areas for the Leather and LGBTQ Cultural District’s intended 501(c)3 non-profit incorporation.

We have included the Mission and Vision Statements in Article II, which were reviewed and approved by the members last summer, as well as our physical boundaries as described in the approved, legal legislation.

Please read this document carefully and submit your comments, using the link provided, by Monday January 14th. (Please do NOT attempt to make suggestions or add comments to the document itself).  

Note that this draft includes the following Articles: Name, Mission, Boundaries, Membership, Officers and Finance. Still to come are several remaining Articles: Governing Board, Board and Member Meetings, Committees, Grievances, Amendments, etc. Our intent is to provide the remaining Articles for your review before the February meeting.

We encourage your thoughtful questions and comments.  We look forward to the discussion at the meeting on Wednesday, January 16, starting at 7 pm, at SF Catalyst.  A vote is not requested at this time.

Proposed Election Procedures — This document lays out our proposal for how our Board of Directors should be elected.  It includes both material that will be in the Bylaws, and additional details which will be more appropriate for “policies and procedures” documentation.  We want you to know and comment on this package now, because it deals with the Board elections which we hope to have once the Bylaws are approved.  Please read it through and let us know if these plans are unclear or raise any concerns.

Again, to summarize, here are the links:

Thanks very much for taking the time to read, think about, and respond to  these materials. Please note that once the Bylaws have been reviewed and conditionally approved by the Members, we will then forward them for examination by an attorney familiar with California non-profit laws . 

We look forward to reading your comments and suggestions. We will address them prior to the February meeting. Please utilize the feedback form so we may have an organized assessment of all contributions.As always, you can keep up to date with the District by following our page on Facebook, joining our group on Fetlife, or browsing our Web site.


Rand and Ren
Governance Committee
Leather and LGBTQ Cultural District