Eagle Plaza More Visible

A bit more of Eagle Plaza has been revealed, as some of the construction equipment is removed.  You can now enjoy a portion of the broad sidewalk on the Eastern side of the Plaza:

Soon, we expect to see some landscaping added.

According to the sign on the front of the new 1532 Harrison Street building, below-market rental units will be available soon.  (Apply online by May 5, 2021 at 5:00 PM, at housing.sfgov.org)


You can even peer inside to see a part of what will, perhaps, be a cafe of some kind.  ( I originally thought it would be a restaurant called “La Cantina”, but I have since learned that that is just the name of the manufacturer of those nice glass windows.)

If you think you might want to live in the new building, you can learn more at https://www.liveathq.com/ .

Keep your eye on the Plaza!

Guaranteed Income for SF Artists

New News! 
There will be a special Zoom event this Saturday
to provide more info and an answer questions about the
Guaranteed Income Pilot For SF Based Artists.  

Saturday April 10, 2021   10:30 AM

Join Zoom Meeting here
Or call 16699006833 and use Meeting ID: 820 2830 9679 and Passcode: 979481

A pilot program has been created to provide monthly income to selected San Francisco artists, and applications are now open.

  • Funded by the San Francisco Arts Commission
  • Administered by the Yerba Buena Center For The Arts
  • 130 artists, randomly selected
  • whose artistic practice is rooted in a historically marginalized community,
  • live in Zip codes 94102, 94110, 94112, 94124, 94134, 94103, 94107, 94109, 94115, 94117, 94130, 94158, or 94108, 
  • meet income eligibility, and
  • face loss of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
  • will receive six regular monthly payments of $1000 between May 21 and October 1, 2021.
  • These are disaster relief payments, and will not be taxed.  May affect benefits.   

For full information and to apply
click here!
Applications close April 15, 2021.

“The arts are truly critical to our local economy and are an essential part of our long-term recovery. If we help the arts recover, the arts will help San Francisco recover. This new program is an innovative effort to help our creative sector get through this challenging time, and come back even stronger and more resilient than before.”
– The Honorable Mayor London Breed