CHHESS Report Presented to Community

Community input from focus groups, interviews and a town hall meeting have been compiled into the strategies contained in our city-mandated Cultural History, Housing, and Economic Sustainability Strategies (CHHESS) Report.  The contents were presented at an open community forum on Wednesday (11/29/23).

View a recording of the presentation here.

The Board of Supervisors and the Mayor will decide whether to approve the report in 2024. When approved it will serve as a roadmap of priorities and strategies for stabilizing our cultural community.

When it goes to the Board of Supervisors, we will ask for your support through letters or speaking at the City Hall hearing. To receive an email notice when the hearing is scheduled, join our SOMA Action Network here.

We will post the full CHHESS Report (when the final version is ready), and additional updates and information, on our “CHHESS Status” page, here.

Other Cultural Districts’ News

In solidarity with our fellow Cultural Districts, we are pleased to invite you to like, follow and attend the events of San Francisco’s other Cultural Districts:
San Francisco Cultural Districts

Subscribe to the City’s Cultural Districts Newsletter

Introduction to some of the Cultural Districts:

SOMA Pilipinas Filipino Cultural Heritage DistrictCalle 24 Latino Cultural District

Castro LGBTQ Cultural District


San Francisco Japantown Cultural District

SF African-American Arts and Culture District

Transgender District

American Indian Cultural District

American Indian Cultural District

Sunset Chinese Cultural District

Sunset Chinese Cultural District

Pacific Islander Cultural District
(icon and links coming soon)




Support our Custom Street Signs!

Speak at City Hall to support our legislative request for custom street signs to designate our District!

Mock-up of proposed LCD Street signs

Your support matters, the supervisors take the LEATHER District more seriously when people turn out.

This will be a visible marker of city support for our District!

It helps to have lots of the Cultural District’s friends there to show their support. The hearing is set for this Monday, November 13, at 1:30 p.m., in Room 250 of SF City Hall, before the Land Use and Transportation Committee.

Our item is first on the agenda, so please arrive by 1:30 to ensure you’ll be heard.  Remote participation is not available.

Read the legislation’s text here.


The legislation was reviewed by the Committee, our comments were heard, and the Committee voted unanimously to forward the legislation to the full Board of Supervisors for approval.  

CHHESS Report – Community Update

The city mandated Cultural History, Housing, and Economic Sustainability Strategies (CHHESS) Report, serves as a roadmap of priorities and strategies for stabilizing our cultural community.

    • Join us for the results based on community input.
    • The final reports will be approved by the Board of Supervisors.
    • There will be Q&A after the presentation.
    • Wednesday, November 29, 6 to 7:30 pm.
    • Each attendee will be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card courtesy of Success Centers (you must be present for the entire presentation to be eligible).
    • On Zoom: