Board Election Results

The Nominations Committee of the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District is pleased to announce the results of the recent Board of Directors and Presidential Election.

We have elected Bob Brown, Jonathan Ojinaga, and Alecia as members of the Board, each to serve three year terms, ending as of the Annual Meeting of August 2027.

We have elected Reika Faust as President, to serve a one-year term, ending as of the Annual Meeting of August, 2025.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the election.

In the Annual Organizational Meeting, with the new Board and President in place, elections were held for the other Officers. Eric See was elected Vice-President, Alecia Burley Secretary, and Bob Brown Treasurer.

Also at this meeting, Board Member Sumiko Saulson resigned from the Board, with thanks and best wishes. The Board expressed thanks to Sumiko for their service.

After that, Stephen Roberts was selected to fill the Board vacancy, serving until the August 2025 Annual Meeting.

You can view the complete current Board roster on the Our Leadership page.

Cultural District Elections

The LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District is a membership organization, and our members elect our Board of Directors and our President. Three Board seats (each for a three-year term) and the Board President (for a one-year term) are elected each year.

If you are eligible to vote (that is, if you were a member of the Cultural District as of May 25, 2024), you should by now have received an email from “Opavote Voting Link” with a link to your ballot.  You must submit your vote no later than 5 pm on Monday, August 19, 2024. 

Before voting, you are invited to read the Candidates Statements.  Also, here is a video recording of the Candidates Night, held on August 13, just as voting began:

 Full information about our elections process is on our Website.

Thank you.

Volunteer Season!

The LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District always needs volunteers, but during the summer, the need is particularly intense.

  • We can use all kinds of help with our Play on the Plaza events, on the second Saturday of each month.
  • We will be hosting two beer busts in September, promoting LeatherWalk.
  • We will have information tables or booths at major events: including the Folsom Street and Bearrison fairs.
  • Other ways to help include sitting on one of our standing Committees, or being available at short notice for special projects.
  • Please check out our Volunteer Opportunities and Signup page, join our Volunteer Notification Mailing List, or write to!