FSE to Open Community Center

Folsom Street Events — the producers of the Up Your Alley and Folsom Street Fair — have announced the opening of their new facility: the Folsom Street Community Center for Alternative Sexualities, at 145 Ninth Street.  

Check out this article from 48Hills.org, which includes quotes from FSE Interim Director Angel Adeyoha, and a video preview of the new space.    Additional info is in the BAR article here.

Watch for more details soon, and a gala opening in July (conditions permitting).


Folsom Street Open House

San Francisco Public Works (SFPW) and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) held a Virtual Open House for the Folsom Streetscape Project on January 28, 2021.  The purpose of this open house was to show the final public realm design for the corridor which includes landscaping, lighting, and cultural features. When completed, the Folsom Streetscape Project will make the South of Market Neighborhood a safer and more inviting place to walk, bike, shop, and take transit.  The Folsom Streetscape Project is scheduled to start construction in 2022. 

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Their presentation slides are here.  You will be able to view the recording of their presentation, and learn more about the project, here.

They are now conducting a survey, which you can participate in  here, until February 2, 2021.

If you have questions or comments, you can contact them at folsom@sfmta.com.


Arts Commission Seeks Panelists

The San Francisco Arts Commission is seeking individuals with expertise in the arts and culture sector to participate in the 2021-2022 peer review grant panels. This is a paid opportunity.

They are looking for applicants who:

  • Have a deep knowledge about the arts, cultural equity, promising practices for nonprofits, facility and capital needs.
  • Are practicing artists, cultural workers, and/or arts administrators who have experience in advancing cultural and racial equity.
  • Have an interest in taking a behind-the-scenes look at the grant-making process.
  • Represent San Francisco’s demographics and the specific 2020 applicant pool in terms of race/ethnicity, gender, LGBTQ and differently-abled representations.

Apply to be a Panelist

Unity Town Hall Announced

LGBTQ+ Black Lives Matter
Unity Town Hall

October 17th & October 18th, 1:00 – 3:00 PM

We live in a period where social contradictions have been laid bare by the racism in our communities: ongoing murder of black people by police, mass incarceration, high unemployment, lack of access to health care, climate crisis, voter suppression, a broken system of education, and COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on Black, Indigenous and POC communities. As same-gender-loving and LGBTQ+ community members let’s unite to make things right.

In this virtual town hall panelists and participants, will break out in small groups to explore:

      • Where does it hurt? The injury to the individual and community from racism, internalized oppression and unconscious/implicit bias.
      • How addressing anti-black bias will benefit all people. Who benefits from crises if unchecked? Who benefits when we “other” each other?


Organized by Openhouse’s Leadership Council on Queerness, Race, and Privilege – a member-initiated working group