Eagle Plaza More Visible

A bit more of Eagle Plaza has been revealed, as some of the construction equipment is removed.  You can now enjoy a portion of the broad sidewalk on the Eastern side of the Plaza:

Soon, we expect to see some landscaping added.

According to the sign on the front of the new 1532 Harrison Street building, below-market rental units will be available soon.  (Apply online by May 5, 2021 at 5:00 PM, at housing.sfgov.org)


You can even peer inside to see a part of what will, perhaps, be a cafe of some kind.  ( I originally thought it would be a restaurant called “La Cantina”, but I have since learned that that is just the name of the manufacturer of those nice glass windows.)

If you think you might want to live in the new building, you can learn more at https://www.liveathq.com/ .

Keep your eye on the Plaza!

Golden Dildeaux Awards

For info about the 2024 Golden Dildeaux Awards, click here.

Yes, the Woodies are back!

Vote now for your friends (or enemies) to receive the Golden Gate Guards’ famous Golden Dildeaux Awards.

These humorous awards are intended to poke fun at various sexual activities while at the same time providing a unique charity fundraising opportunity.  The way it works is simple:

    • Between now and April 22, 2021, go to https://sfleatherdistrict.org/gda/ and vote!
    • There are 25 Nomination categories, including “Best Looking Ass (the Golden Globes Award)”, “Best Impact Bottom (the Red Tail Award)”, “Best Novice Player (the Rookie Award)”, and lots more.
    • Each vote costs $1, with the proceeds going to the Emergency Financial Assistance fund of the Positive Resource Center (PRC).
    • You may cast as many votes as you wish for as many candidates as you wish, even in the same category.
    • Then, on Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 7 PM Pacific Time, attend the 49th Golden Dildeaux Awards, online live on Zoom, with Masters of Ceremonies Star D. Love (Ms. San Francisco Leather 2016) and Cody Elkin (Mr. San Francisco Leather 2016).
    • So join the fun, and let’s see who gets a Woody!

Vote now!