Eagle Plaza This Weekend

This weekend, April 23-24, 2022, is a very special one out on 12th Street at Harrison:

On Saturday, April 23, from 4 to 6 pm, join us on Eagle Plaza (398 12th Street, in San Francisco) to celebrate the Leather Pride Flag, in an event co-sponsored by leather titleholders Ghee Phua and Tammy Lg Hatter, along with the Cultural District, the Friends of Eagle Plaza, and the SF Eagle Bar.

This inaugural event aims to bring together the SF Bay Area leather/kink community to celebrate the creation of the leather pride flag and the life of its creator, Tony DeBlase. It is also a fundraiser for the upkeep of the leather pride flag in the Eagle Plaza. Finally it is a send off for the local IML contestants.

There will be 2 speakers who will provide a historical perspective on the creation of the leather pride flag and share stories about Tony DeBlase. This event will be streamed during IMsL/IMsBB.  Find more details here and here.

Then, on Sunday, 4/24, from 12:00 noon to 7:00 pm, it’s the SF Eagle’s 9 Year Anniversary Big Block Party!  It’s back and bigger than ever! With Dj’s Sergio Fedasz, Kelly Naughton, Phil B, Paul Goodyear and Russ Rich, performances by Pollo Del Mar and Suppositori Spelling, and much more.

The beer bust will run from 12:00 noon to 7 pm, with proceeds to Folsom Street; those folks will also have a booth where you can pick up hard-to-find merchandise from past Folsom Street Fairs.

Look for more info here and here.

Sisters Bring Easter Back to the Park

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are bringing Easter back to Dolores Park, on Sunday, April 17th 2022.  The festivities will include the traditional Hunky Jesus contest and plenty of surprises.

You could help make this event a success:  they need volunteers for a full range of shifts and duties. None are labor intensive; they just need folks to commit to showing up. 

Full info and sign up form at https://volunteersignup.org/E8CMF.


We are saddened to hear of the passing of Rachele Sullivan. Rachele was one of the founders of the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District. She worked tirelessly to help launch the District and was the first chair of our Land Use Committee. She was active in both the leather and Filipino communities.

The photo below was taken at the District’s ribbon cutting to celebrate our official founding by the city Supervisors.

Rachele Sullivan outside the STUD, cutting the ribbon on the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District, June 12, 2018. Photo by Liz Highwayman

A nice tribute can be found here:  https://www.facebook.com/Folsom-Street-147246855245

The Bay Area Reporter article on her passing is here.