Sisters Bring Easter Back to the Park

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are bringing Easter back to Dolores Park, on Sunday, April 17th 2022.  The festivities will include the traditional Hunky Jesus contest and plenty of surprises.

You could help make this event a success:  they need volunteers for a full range of shifts and duties. None are labor intensive; they just need folks to commit to showing up. 

Full info and sign up form at


We are saddened to hear of the passing of Rachele Sullivan. Rachele was one of the founders of the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District. She worked tirelessly to help launch the District and was the first chair of our Land Use Committee. She was active in both the leather and Filipino communities.

The photo below was taken at the District’s ribbon cutting to celebrate our official founding by the city Supervisors.

Rachele Sullivan outside the STUD, cutting the ribbon on the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District, June 12, 2018. Photo by Liz Highwayman

A nice tribute can be found here:

The Bay Area Reporter article on her passing is here.