Imagine walking around South of Market San Francisco with your phone, alone or with a friend.
As you walk, you can read or listen to stories of the Miracle Mile, the Valley of the Kings, the bars and clubs of Folsom Street.
As you pass important locations, the phone alerts you, and describes the buildings that once were here.
It shows you photos and videos.
Buttons in the app invite you to explore deeper:
See ads for the bathhouses and invitations to the parties,
Read mini-essays about the notable folk who lived and worked and played here;
Learn of their clubs and organizations, their businesses and celebrations, their customs and culture.
Discover Leathertown past.
And at the same time, explore Leathertown Present.
Find descriptions of, directions to, and links for the many current bars, clubs, and other venues and businesses.
Get links to active organizations, worthy non-profits, fetish and fraternal clubs, educational programs, and more.
And as you are listening to this free app, and exploring its “myths and memories” section, imagine you hear your own words – maybe your own voice – telling an amusing factoid or recalling a precious experience, or sharing your own personal discoveries in Leathertown.
Yes, You Can Be A Contributor to the Leathertown Walking Tour!
You can help the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District create this free, fun, educational app.
To get started…
browse your old photo archives
jot down some notes
or speak for a minute into the voice recorder on your phone.
Then submit your contribution to the Leathertown Walking Tour.
Please read the fine print here.
Please understand: Not all items can or will be used. We encourage content contributors to also contribute $1 or more, so that we may list you as a contributor regardless.
How To Proceed?
If you are inspired to do help us with any of the above, we are enormously grateful.
- Come to one of our Subcommittee meetings.
- Review our current draft script here, and add your own comments and suggestions.
- Take the demo tour here
- Send potential content to, or upload it here.
- Write to,
- Call or text our Walking Tour Subcommittee chair, David Hyman, at 415-652-6790.