Includes LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District events, events organized by other San Francisco Cultural Districts, and other events of interest happening in SOMA.
All times are Pacific Time.
See links to additional calendar pages at the bottom of this page

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LCD: Land Use Committee Meeting
June 8, 2021 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm PDT

The Land Use Committee tracks changes to real estate in the District in order to mitigate the effects of development and gentrification.
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 1085 0238
Password: 319931
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Meeting ID: 820 1732 9999
Password: 846051
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The Land Use Committee for the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District is interacting with city agencies, developers, and a range of governmental and non-governmental stakeholders, regarding a wide range of land use issues within the recently-created Cultural District in the South of Market neighborhood.
There are a wide range of opportunities for involvement, from being on call to show up at a meeting in City Hall, to critical negotiations with planners and developers.
While special skills in real estate or civic planning are great, anyone with an interest in the Cultural District is welcome to join.
Agenda is available here:
For more information, please visit, or contact
To add your event(s) to this calendar, please write to
Additional Event Calendars:
Race’s Bar Events for Kinky Gay Men of the San Francisco Bay Area (On Facebook; group membership required)
EROBAY SF Bay Area Community BDSM Events Calendar
Fetlife A Social Network for the BDSM, Fetish & Kinky Community. (Free membership required)
Gay Agenda SF What’s what for the gay in you.
Folsom Street The big street fairs, and associated parties
Transform1060 An educational and social space, serving the leather, kink, and fetish communities.
SF CumUnion Sex Parties for Men
442 Events Play Parties for Men
SF Catalyst (See Transform1060, above)
SF Oasis Internationally Acclaimed Drag Show Nightclub / Cabaret
Powerhouse South of Market’s “No Attitude” Cruise Bar
SF Eagle SOMA’s Historic Meeting Place, Welcoming All
Lone Star Saloon Bear Bar USA
Hole in the Wall Saloon Your Friendly Neighborhood Gay Bikers Bar
The Stud “San Francisco’s oldest LGBT bar”
Cat Club A True San Francisco Nightlife Destination
15 Association For men who engage in BDSM
Alta California Leather Corps Formerly the Alameda County Leather Corps
Bears of San Francisco All-inclusive fundraising, service, and socializing group
ELSE For trans, intersex, agender, two-spirit, & nonbinary folx
The Exiles women- and queer- centered BDSM educational organization.
ONYX Northwest A Leather Club for Men of Color
Society of Janus for People Interested in Learning about BDSM
Wicked Grounds Kink Community Everywhere
Gaytravel4u Gay Fetish and Leather Events and Parties Worldwide
Leathermen Travel List of annual leather events